e3最高配什么显卡(e3 1230配什么显卡)
在不久前举办的CES 2023大会上,联想摩托罗拉带来了全新的ThinkPhone手机,该机主要提供给企业和商业客户。目前有最新的爆料信息显示,该机未来也会面向一些国家 / 地区的普通消费者发售。爆料称,ThinkPhone手机 8GB+256GB 版本的售价预计为999 欧元(约合**币 7249 元),并将于本月底通过电子零售商开售,但没有提到具体的商店或国家地区。外观方面,ThinkPhone手机继承了ThinkPad等产品的设计风格,采用炭黑配色,并在按键处采用了 ThinkPad 品牌经典的红色设计。该机背壳采用轻质芳纶纤维设计,印有ThinkPhone徽标Logo,而框架则采用航空级铝材。屏幕方面,ThinkPhone手机将配备一块6.6英寸OLED屏幕,分辨率为1080×2400像素,刷新率为144Hz,并支持HDR10+。核心规格方面,ThinkPhone手机将搭载骁龙8+处理器,提供8GB 或 12GB 内存,128GB、256GB 或 512GB 存储空间。影像方面,ThinkPhone手机后置5000万像素主摄,支持 PDAF 相位检测自动对焦和 OIS 光学防抖。另外还有1300万像素f/2.2超广角镜头,支持微距拍摄。该机的前置则搭载3200万像素**镜头,支持自动对焦。电量快充方面,ThinkPhone手机内置容量为 5000mAh 电池,支持 68W 有线充电以及15W**充电。作为一款主打商务专业领域的手机,ThinkPhone手机还内置Think 2 Think 连接功能,通过该功能ThinkPhone手机可以实现快速与 PC 通过 Wifi 互联、在手机和电脑之间**粘贴的统一剪贴板、支持将手机摄像头作为 PC 摄像头参与视频通话等功能。ThinkPhone手机同时支持多项安全增强功能。Moto Ke……
这次联想13周年庆特别“贴心”,不仅福利多、优惠力度大、使用门槛低,还针对不同客户群体推出差异化、细分化的活动政策,最大程度让消费者享受红利。针对新用户,联想官网推出新人购物满888元返现,各种券/码/乐豆还可叠加适用;针对老客户开通VIP尊享抵现红包+乐豆限时膨胀金、新品打call赢现金/签到领限时红包等一系列优惠福利,并开通老客户复购码营销,自购省,分享赚等通道,通过“老带新”的推广和返利与客户双赢。同时,学生认证可享12期免息,如ThinkBook 14+、ThinkBook 16+等产品学生专享12期免息;企业用户开启专属折扣和积分。
When it comes to building a gaming PC, one of the most important considerations is the power supply unit (PSU). It determines how much wattage your components can draw and whether they can run stably. If you are planning to incorporate the powerful combo of an Intel E3 CPU and an NVIDIA GTX 760 graphics card, you may wonder how big of a PSU you need. In this article, we will discuss the recommended wattage and other factors that affect the choice of PSU.
Recommended Wattage
The wattage requirement of a PSU depends on the power consumption of your entire system. The Intel E3 CPU and NVIDIA GTX 760 GPU have different power ratings, and you also need to take into account the power draw of your motherboard, RAM, storage devices, fans, and peripherals. As a general rule of thumb, a system with an E3 CPU and a GTX 760 GPU needs a PSU with a wattage output of at least 500-600W. This should provide enough headroom for peak power consumption and upgrades in the future. However, if you plan to overclock your components, run liquid cooling, or add more high-end components, you may need a higher wattage PSU, such as a 750W or 850W unit.
Other Considerations
Aside from wattage, there are several other factors to consider when choosing a PSU for your E3+GTX 760 build. One important factor is efficiency, which refers to how well the unit converts AC power from the outlet to DC power for your components. A higher efficiency PSU can save you money on your energy bills and also produce less noise and heat. Look for PSUs that are rated 80 Plus Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum for optimal efficiency. Another factor is the form factor, which depends on the size and shape of your case. Most mid-tower and full-tower cases accept standard ATX PSUs, but **aller mini-ITX or micro-ATX cases may require a compact SFX or TFX PSU. Lastly, consider the brand and quality of the PSU. It is always recommended to buy from reputable brands such as Corsair, EVGA, Seasonic, or Be Quiet, and to check the reviews and certifications of the PSU to ensure it is reliable and safe.
To sum up, if you are building a gaming PC with an Intel E3 CPU and an NVIDIA GTX 760 graphics card, you should choose a PSU with at least 500-600W of output. Other factors to consider include efficiency, form factor, and brand and quality. By selecting a PSU that matches your system’s power consumption and quality requirements, you can ensure that your components run **oothly and reliably, and your gaming sessions are uninterrupted by power supply issues.